[Zope] FTP/Apache
Jeff Rush
Jeff Rush" <jrush@timecastle.net
Wed, 20 Oct 99 00:16:02 -0500
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 15:19:06 -0600, Joshua Brauer wrote:
>Is there a way to use ZServer for FTP while using Apache for serving web stuff?
No real trick, just edit your zserver.sh to call z2.py with both a
-p $INSTANCE_HOME/Zope.cgi
to service requests from the PCGI mechanism and -also- a "-f 8021"
to provide a port for FTP access. ZServer will then listen on both ports.
I don't believe this is explicitly documented anywhere but you can see
it in the source to Z2.py.
You can even have ZServer provide web services on it's own port
via the "-w 8080" *and* still use a -p option to listen for PCGI work.
Why would you want to? One reason is to use the Apache/PCGI
avenue for SSL secure pages and then ZServer-direct avenue for
non-secure pages.
-Jeff Rush