[Zope] Zope + Roxen Challenger: Is it possible?

Adrian Esteban Madrid am246@email.byu.edu
Fri, 29 Oct 1999 00:02:26 -0600

Thanks for your help setting Zope on Roxen. Right now it looks like I'm
half-way through the process. I did all that you said and I got to get the
homepage. Nevertheless, that's how far I can get. No Zope logo, no Quickstart
(I'm using the bare Zope install, no modifications yet). Anyway, I didn't
follow your instructions _exactly_, I modified them for my installation but
here it goes what I did.

> 1. Compile Zope in /opt/zope


> 2. Add a cgi-module to Roxen.
> 3. Change everything marked with '*' in Roxen:
> *              Allow listing of cgi-bin directory : Yes
>                Allow symlinks : Yes
> *              CGI-bin path : /Zope/
>                CGI-script extensions : cgi
>                Builtin variables (security, comments etc.)
>                Extra environment variables : Empty
> *              Handle *.cgi : Yes
>                Limits...
>                Log CGI errors to... : main log file
> *              Parse RXML in CGI-scripts : Yes
>                Pass environment variables : No
>                Provide the <cgi> tag : Yes
> *              Raw user info : Yes
>                Run scripts as :
>                Run user scripts as owner : Yes
> *              Search path : /opt/zope/


>                Send decoded password : No
>                Set the supplementary group access list : Yes
>                Treat non-executable files as ordinary files : Yes
>                Warn for CGIs executing as root : Yes
> 4. Add Zope.cgi to your Directory Module in Roxen.

I copied /usr/local/zope/Zope.cgi to

> 5. Permissions! If you set "Run scripts as :" to root:root, it will run.
> But you don't want to do that. Create a new user, or use nobody:nobody
> or something. Make sure to update /opt/zope to have the correct
> permissions.

I'm using Run scripts as: nobody:nobody in the CGI Executable Support module.

> 6. http://path/Zope/

If I do that I only get a listing of /usr/local/zope. But if I do
http://path/Zope/Zope.cgi I finally get Zope's home screen. The problem,
again, is that I can't go any further. I don't even get the Zope logo image.

> 7. Tada! Zope is alive! Hopefully... Try to login!

Tried login in but it doesn't work, times out like Quickstart.

> 8. If login fails, you will see this in the roxen log: "CGI: Failed to
> get user information for". Permissions are wrong, or "Raw user info" is
> not set to yes as described above. Else, send me a mail...

No errors, just times out. On the other hand, Roxen by itself works OK if I
start it manually. When I add a module or make changes in the configuration
and hit Save it tells me that it can't find the server, but if I reload it's
OK. when I went to do a reload on /etc/rc.d/init.d it gave me a warning. It
said that no pid file was set, although there is /tmp/roxen_pid:0 file.

Anyway, I know all this is just a mess and I don't know much about any of
these two prorams but they really look great. I hope I can learn how to use

Thanks for all your help,

Adrian Esteban Madrid
Network Support, ATS
Brigham Young University