[Zope] Caching problems

Fredrick Rybarczyk - LUB NetLab Fredrick.Rybarczyk@lub.lu.se
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 09:44:25 +0200

I'm using an external method that imports another module "Defs.py". A
dir(Defs) looked like this:
['Faculties','Secretaries', '__builtins__', '__doc__',
When I added a dictionary called Passwords to Defs ( Yes, I saved the
file :-) ) Zope failed to detect the change and threw an
'AttributeError'. When I came to work this morning Zope still hadn't
caught up so I restarted the server and everything went fine. I'm
developing within a versioning branch and I run Zope-b6 under Solaris7.
I consider / hope that it's a bug -- or that there's a smooth way to get
around this. I for one wouldn't like to trade off late-binding-time.

Comments anyone? Should I report this?

Fredrick Rybarczyk
Research Engineer
NetLab, Lund University