[Zope] Re: Re: [ZOPE] Newbie Zope step 2.
Tony McDonald
Mon, 6 Sep 1999 11:13:20 +0100
At 4:18 pm -0500 6/9/99, Michael Bradbery wrote:
>I'm using
>on apache redhat 4.2 linux
>Python 1.5.1 (#1, Aug 17 1999, 09:42:48) [GCC]
>Apache/1.3.6 (Unix)
>& Zope 1.10.3
Zope 2 is the latest version. It's got some good stuff in it and the
installation procedure is easier, I'd download it and start from
there. You'll need to upgrade to Python 1.5.2
I'd also just run the ZServer variant of Zope - at least you'll get
started quicker, ie
% ./start
will run a server on port 8080 an FTP server on 8021 and a monitor
server on 8099
If you're determined to stick with 1.10.3 then you can use the
ZopeHTTPServer program (from serve.py) - but it's not as good as
ZServer (DC guys don't recommend running it).
>I've tried a few things, got some help from here, changed dtml
>files, learnt all sorts of things about apache rewrite rules, but I
>still have the same problem:
Rewrite rules are deep Apache Voodoo, that also appear to change with
Apache releases. I think Michel is doing a HowTo on the
www.zope.org:18200 site that will help.
Really, stick with Zope2 and ZServer initially - at least until
you've figured out whether Zope is what you want to use.
>Does anyone know what is going wrong???
>I feel like tossing Zope,
I think you'll be sorry if you do...
Dr Tony McDonald, FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
Fingerprint: 3450 876D FA41 B926 D3DD F8C3 F2D0 C3B9 8B38 18A2