[Zope] how do I change 'superuser' password?
Ceska, Christopher
Wed, 8 Sep 1999 02:50:29 -0400
OK, sorry for the 3rd post in the last 3 hours - BUT.
am I retarded or something? what is the "filename" suppose to be?
# python zpasswd.py
zpasswd.py [options] filename
If this program is called without command-line options, it will prompt
for all necessary information. The available options are:
-u / --username=
Set the username to be used for the superuser
-p / --password=
Set the password
-e / --encoding=
Set the encryption/encoding rules. Defaults to SHA-1. OPTIONAL
-d / --domains=
Set the domain names that the user user can log in from. Defaults to
Filename is not option, and should be the name of the file to store the
information in.