[Zope] Cacheing
Rob Page
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 14:54:36 -0400
> :>
> :> why not just use some separate subsystem for caching, eq. a squid
> :> in httpd accelerator mode?
This would only allow you to cache on web page boundaries not on object
I'd like to be able to write a DTML Method:
<dtml-var standard_html_header>
<dtml-var always_dynamically_rendered_object>
<dtml-var possibly_cached_object>
<dtml-var standard_html_footer>
Moreover, I want the cached thing to be aware of acquisition, etc.. I
think this necessitates its (rather close) integration with Zope. OTOH,
am I in the minority of people that thinks cacheing on web page
boundaries (i.e., REQUEST boundaries) is interesting but not compelling?
A perfect case in point is the zope beta site. I always want to display
the users login (which would be computer on ever hit) and say, "Welcome
rob" However, I'd also like to cache the a rendered <dtml-var
news_items> object.