[Zope] Re: Zope Permissions
Anonymous Coward
Tue, 14 Sep 1999 15:01:32 -0700 (PDT)
------- On Mon, 13 Sep 1999 17:34:23, Katrin
<katrin@beehive.de> wrote:
> hi everybody!
> i have a little problem with permission settings.
> i'm writing a product in python. the product
installs dtml methods when
> installed in a folder. now i want zope to ask for
the user name and the
> password when a certain page is rendered as an URL
(zope doesn't have a user name yet).
>i found out that in order to get the zope login
window, i have to uncheck the view permission of the
page (i mean the checkbox for
> acquire
permission settings). how can i uncheck the box using
python in my
>product? or how can i delete the view permission for
this page in my
> product?
If I understand your problem correctly, you want to
install the DTML method to have the acquired
permissions for View permission unchecked, and then
(I guess,) enabled view permission for some role which
you have defined a set of users for?
I did something like this with some Python code in a
homegrown user authentication class I've been playing
around with:
# remove view and access permissions from
acquired permissions and anonymous role
acq_permissions =
new_permissions = []
for d in acq_permissions:
if d['name'] != 'View':
(Note: I dont know if the python code is formatted
correctly in the email message)
Basically, what it is doing is:
1. get the current list of acquired permissions
from your dtml_method (<object>.permission_settings())
2. create a new list of permissions without the
View permission (that's the what the loop is doing) --
you could also just create a hardcoded list and not
have to loop (then you don't have to do the first
step too)
3. set your object's acquired permissions using
4. set the anonymous role's permissions to the
the new permissions (w/o the View permission)
You also probably need add a step to add view
permissions for some role (i.e. Manager) so that they
have the view permission to access your method using
the manage_role method
If you are writing your constructor method in DTML,
probably could use the same methods that I used. The
only complication I see in writing it with DTML is
implementing the loop (which could be circumvented if
you use a hardcoded list)...
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Butch Landingin
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