[Zope] ADVICE needed: multi-site Zope installations, PCGI and ZServer

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 14:43:01 +0100

At 8:38 am -0500 15/9/99, Steve Spicklemire wrote:
>Hi Tony,
>>>>>> "Tony" == Tony McDonald <tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk> writes:
>    Tony> Apart from your RewriteRule ^/sample/(.*) /$1 line, they
>    Tony> appear to do the same thing. I don't *believe* the blank
>    Tony> line before the RewriteCond line is important.
>but that's the key rewrite! The problem is that Zope is 'adding'
>stuff to the front of the URL with it's BASE tag. This rewrite
>just strips that off so that you don't get that mess.

*many* thanks for that Steve. I reckon you've nailed one of the most 
often-asked questions about serving Zope from Apache there.

>    Tony> As you can see this virtual host is pointed into a subfolder of the
>    Tony> main Zope site (dnle to be specific).
>    Tony> The problem is that once the manager logs into that site 
>they get the
>    Tony> following on the right hand screen (after some traversing in their
>    Tony> 'neck of the woods')
>    Tony> Folder at /nle / dnle / nle / dnle / nle / dnle / nle / dnle
>Yes... that's the mess you get. If you put in a rewrite like:
>RewriteRule ^/nle/dnle(.*) /$1
>then you won't get all that. You will *see* /nle/dnle/blah/blah in your
>URLs (if you have them displayed) but the web server will strip
>them before forwarding your request to Zope.

Things are a *lot* clearer now. :)
Cheers loads,
Dr Tony McDonald,  FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project 
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
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