[Zope] ADVICE needed: multi-site Zope installations, PCGI an

Sascha Flohr flohr+zope@cymes.net
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 23:30:59 +0200 (CEST)


On 15-Sep-99 Steve Spicklemire wrote:

>      Tony> Apart from your RewriteRule ^/sample/(.*) /$1 line, they
>      Tony> appear to do the same thing. I don't *believe* the blank
>      Tony> line before the RewriteCond line is important.
>  but that's the key rewrite! The problem is that Zope is 'adding'
>  stuff to the front of the URL with it's BASE tag. This rewrite
>  just strips that off so that you don't get that mess.

I don't know, if my setup is exactly the same.  What i have done is to set
up multiple apache virtual hosts running with only one PCGI/ZServer and
the hierarchy within Zope of ...


... an a rewriting like ...

        ^(.*)   /usr/lib/cgi-bin/Zope/VirtualDomains/www_virtualX_de$1

But the problem now is, that i cannot delete objects from the virtual
domains root when logged in at for example ...


... as the webmaster for the domain.

If i mark the objects and press delete, i get the index_html rendered in
the management frame and the object isn't deleted.

If i log in through the NameVirtualHost with a rewriting like ...

        ^(.*)   /usr/lib/cgi-bin/Zope$1

... there is no problem going through the hierarchy and deleting the
object.  Even nastier, i can be logged in as the webmaster and enter the
url ...


... and the objects does exactly that ... going away ... gnarz :(

Any ideas for that?

Sascha Flohr,   Cymes - Management.

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