[Zope] CVS version of Zope and Squishdot
Chris Withers
Tue, 11 Apr 2000 10:31:33 +0100
> 1) Squishdot is based on very old, pre 2.0 code. It does all it's own
> indexing instead of using ZCatalog (because it is based on old code).
> It should not do that, and if it does, it should track the same indexing
> code as the catalog. As is, Squishdot cannot take advantage of the new
> language independent features, or wildcard searching, or Japanese
> support etc...
I'm looking to pick up on Squishdot development until Butch Landigan has some free time, where can I
find out how things 'should' be indexed?
In general where should I look for documentation on the python-end of Zope development?
> There are other techical reasons, such as the old indexing code being
> very ZTables centric. I made the same mistake the original index
> authors made in that I made the Catalog indexes very ZCatalog centric.
> Neither are very useful in the general case (which is the real root of
> the problem here).
I think I'm missing something 'cos I dont' understand this :S
Are you saying Catalog indexes are bad or are you saying ZCatalogs are badly designed?