[Zope] SiteRootPATH + apache + proxy + SSL + zserver

Juan Carlos Coruņa jcoruna@umd.es
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 12:54:24 +0200

Hi all,

After looking through the mailing list I don't found any solution for my

Here is the problem:

I have two domains each in a different location with the same Data.fs (I
replicate it every night).
The domains must work with SSL in the future, so I use the proxypass method
with apache.
To rewrite the in line links of zope I use SiteAccess and if I set the
property BASE and PATH for one domain it doesn't work for the other domain.
Then I tested some configurations in httpd.conf for setting the variables
SiteRootBASE and SiteRootPATH  idenpendently for every server without

Anyone has solved this problem?
