[Zope] Re: [Re: [Zope] XML and Zope Newbie]

Martijn Faassen faassen@vet.uu.nl
Tue, 18 Apr 2000 00:32:12 +0200

Nick Lindh wrote:
> I too would be very interested in any documentation on actually 
> altering/writing XML from Zope. Or from Python for that matter. The 
> documentation such as it currently stands is very very slim.
> Am greatly looking forward to Sean McGrath's book on using XML with 
> Python.... Till it comes out, though, any help at all is greatly 
> appreciated.

You may want to join the zope-xml list and ask your questions there:


Also hopefully this week I will release the revamped XMLWidgets more
officially; the release should include some examples on how to change
XMLDocuments from Zope.

