Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 14:11:14 +0100

> When using the DTML-IN tag you can use DTML-ELSE when no objects to the
> expression are found. Is there also something with the DTML-TREE tag?

<dtml-if myobject>
 <dtml-tree myobject>
 ...put your else stuff here...
> ie. How do you know if DTML-TREE has no objects fullfilling to the
> braches_expr and thus returns no tree?

the branches_expr is used to find branches. If the object you supply to the tree tag has no objects
fulfilling the brancehs_expr then you'll just get a tree with one root node.

> Is there a way to change the look of a tree?

check out:


They may be of some help but I'm not sure exactly what they do :S
