[Zope] getting rid of PTKDemo

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 16:51:36 +0100

At 7:22 pm +0200 16/8/00, ralf.herold@charite.de wrote:
>Hello Tony, sure I would come for such a pint offered, but for now, I am in
>just the same situation - without access to this tab of any ZSQL method. So,
>please, should you get an answer (I mean, a solution) could you be so kind
>to share it with me?

I'm not sure that this is a solution Ralf, but it fixed something 
here and made the ZSQL advanced tab usable again.
I was having problems importing a folder. Errors like 'KeyError' with 
a crap character were showing up when I tried to import.
I found that in the folder were subfolders with an ID of the type 
'folder.gif', and title 'c://Dan/Images/folder.gif' - ie as though 
someone had uploaded an image, but it had created a folder instead 
(this behaviour by itself is pretty weird).
I deleted these folders, and exported the folder I was interested in.

I then got a clean 2.2.0 Data.fs.in and started up another Zope 
instance (BTW, the excellent HowTo at 
http://www.zope.org/Members/4am/instancehome should be required 
reading for those running multiple Zope sites from a single Zope 
installation...). I then imported the .zexp file and voila, 
everything was working and I could get to my 'Advanced' tab again.

I have no idea whether PTKDemo is in my Data.fs, but this is encouraging! :)
112 % grep PTKDemo Data.fs | more

113 % grep MySQL Data.fs | more
Binary file Data.fs matches

(and the old Data.fs)
116 % grep PTKDemo Data.fs- | more
Binary file Data.fs- matches

If you *don't* have any ID's with 'unusual' characters in them, then 
I guess I can't help you out...

>Thank again, greeting from a Berlin draught drinker...
>-- Ralf Herold


ps Ralf, I've taken the liberty of ccing this to the list as it might 
help others...
Dr Tony McDonald,  FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project 
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5116
Fingerprint: 3450 876D FA41 B926 D3DD  F8C3 F2D0 C3B9 8B38 18A2