[Zope] Why Not Zope? 'Cos I like to bitch! ;-)

Steve Drees drees@the-bridge.net
Fri, 1 Dec 2000 10:18:51 -0600

> > > Zope's built in FTP server is one of it's huge stengths, IMO. 
> He hasn't
> > > realised this and so bitches about it. You can always turn it off you
> > > know! Likewise the HTTP server, run Zope as a CGI if you must! :P
> > "Apache already exists and is highly flexible and configurable" 
> of course it
> > is, use it if you want, grrr..... TMTOWTODI.
> But cgi is slow. and using mod_proxy is not beatiful and adds latency. 

what isn't "beautiful" about using mod_proxy?

I have 8 sites using it. It works great. Latency? It's neglible. 
More time is spent publishing the objects than is spent pushing it through
the proxy.

> Besides, the zserver on 2.1.6 seems to have bugs that sometimes let 
> the page only 90% through. I've really wondered, why all the trouble 
> of using a own HTTP server, Apache is a great HTTP server and most 
> users run it anyway. which leads to the natural question:

1) I use 2.1.6 on 4 of my sites. I have never seen this problem.
2) You can always upgrade. 

> 	Why isn't there a mod_zope module?
> -- 
> Riku Voipio
> riku.voipio@tietoenator.com
> 09-862 60764
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