[Zope] Re[2]: [Zope] images & mess with editors
Geir B Hansen
Geir B Hansen <geirh@funcom.com>
Wed, 9 Feb 2000 15:36:31 +0100
on Wednesday, February 09, 2000 Gidon Friedman wrote :
GF> the problem with this solution is that the contributors, (in worst case)
GF> lack html-knowledge but want to be able to do some freedom in
GF> formatting like underline, bold, lists...
structured text will handle this, without the need for any
html-knowledge or editors..
GF> i'm currently working on a solution to combine the two: use a inline html editor
GF> in a form-template to let the people enter the data. i've just have seen this done
GF> in spectra by allaire. it's very easy to do it in explorer, some javascript will turn
GF> it into a editor. but for netscape it will need an applet,
GF> no hard thing with swing classes ... but i'm still covering my options,
GF> so i'd appreciate any input...
didn't someone write a product to do this with IE5 ??
You'll find it among the products on Zope.org..
Geir B Hansen