[Zope] Help - ZClass instances broken!
James W. Howe
Wed, 09 Feb 2000 15:15:53 -0500
In an effort to get a better understanding of how the XMLDocument product
worked, I attempted to use the Python debugger to walk through the code. I
added an "import pdb" to the build.py file and added a pdb.set_trace() to
one of the methods. I started Zope from the command line with a batch file
(I'm running under NT). I was able to step into the debugger and look
around. The only odd thing was that some of my ZClass instances showed up
as broken. I figured this had something to do with the way I started Zope
so I ignored it. I then stopped Zope and reverted my build.py file back to
its original state. I restarted Zope as a service (the way I usually run
it). To my surprise, my ZClass instances (all belonging to the same
product) were still broken!
I shut everything down and rebooted my machine. I once again went into
Zope and still my ZClasses were broken. The product itself looks fine. I
can add new instances of my ZClasses without difficulty. However, I can't
view existing ZClasses.
While it wouldn't be an absolute catastrophe if I had to recreate my lost
data, it wouldn't make me happy. More importantly I'm concerned that
something I did broke the system, and if this were in production I would be
in big trouble. Can anyone provide ideas on how I might debug and
hopefully fix this problem?
James W. Howe mailto:jwh@allencreek.com
Allen Creek Software, Inc. pgpkey: http://ic.net/~jwh/pgpkey.html
Ann Arbor, MI 48103