[Zope] An adapter for DB2
Thu, 17 Feb 2000 09:56:48 -0600
>Python is installed in /usr/local/Python-1.5.2
>Zope is installed in /usr/local/zope/2-1-2/
>I would like to get data on my browser from DB2(Database) trough this
linux box.
>Is there an adapter for this database?
>Is the ODBC Adapter right for this situation?
>Thanks in advance for Your help
I looked into using UDB5.2 (DB2 on NT). The big difference between what
we are doing and you is the NT vs. Linux issue. <sarcasm on> I'm sure that
wont effect
the value of this comment at all </sarcasm off>
There is no direct DB2 connector that I have found. We went the route of
using the
ODBC connections. I was only testing the ability to get to some databases
for Zope
testing purposes. The overall project that this was to be for was put on
hold by the
client so I can not speak to what kind of volume could have been piped
the connection.
I ran into an interesting issue getting the connection through the ODBC up
and running.
I loaded the UDB5 client and cataloged the databases that I wanted to hit
on the
local client. I then installed the ODBC components. I then defined a
through Zope and created a method to grab some data. I spent the better
part of
the day trying to get Zope to talk to the database. Absolutely no luck.
... and I
tried everything in the book including the reboots that NT needs (sort of
like giving
treats to your dog. ... it gives NT a chance at a change of pace ... then
it will work
happily for you until it feels it is time for another break) I left late
that evening a
very frustrated camper.
I came back the next day not looking forward to having to figure out the
To my surprise, the connection was up and running like a champ. To this
day I
have no bloody clue as to what happened. Ever since the connection has
as stable as can be on NT.
I hope this helps.