[Zope] Using apache w/ZServer question
R. David Murray
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 22:02:19 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Lucas Vogel wrote:
> and am having some problems. In the document it says to put the
> ProxyPass directives within the main Directory context. I assume that
> he's referring to the DocumentRoot; yet whenever I put the Proxy*
I haven't tried using ProxyPass so I can't help you here.
> This tells me(unless I am mistaken) that I have apache configured
> correctly, but I don't have zope configured to supplement that. I
Let's assume you're right (maybe someone else can help you with
confirming that).
> created a directory called 'zope' in Zope, thinking it was looking for
> that directory(I set the proxy to go into a hostname.com/zope
It sounds to me like you are correct. I presume the map was
actually to something like hostname.com:8080/zope, though? If so,
it looks like ZServer would get passed a request for the 'zope'
subfolder inside the Zope database.
Silly question: does the zope folder you added have an index_html
document or method that actually contains something that would get
output when the folder gets referenced?
> configuration). Same message. I put the SiteAccess object and set it
> like the directions, but then I get an internal apache error.
If just adding the SiteAccess object to Zope turned a 'no data'
message into an apache error, then it at least sounds like Apache
and ZServer are communicating, if not correctly. Real helpful,
aren't I? <wry grin> I suspect you'll need to report the error
message you are getting for anyone to be able to provide more help.
> Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? Also, does Zope
> actually create files from the created objects and put them anywhere?
Now this question I can answer. Zope stores the information you add
to it in a special object data base. As with many database implementations,
this appears in the Unix file system as a monolithic file. In this
case, the file is "Data.fs" in the 'var' subdirectory of your Zope