[Zope] Re: RE: [Zope] ZCatalog

Magnus Heino magnus@vuab.net
Thu, 06 Jan 2000 00:07:05 +0100

> > I am trying to add a ZCatalog to my site, and have come up 
> > with a few questions/problems about ZCatalog and how one 
> > sould implement things:
> > 
> > 1. It doesn't handle едц! I have setup my zcatalog to to text 
> > indexes, but when I search on something containing едц, 
> > nothing is found. Everything else works. I thought this was 
> > fixed some versions ago?
> Did you set your locale environment variable and pass z2.py the -L
> option?

Nope. Hadn't noticed that one. Now I just have to figure out what it sould look like for swedish. I thought it was "se", "se_SWE" or something, but I seems to be rember wrong.

> > 3. DTML documents and methods don't update themself in the 
> > catalog, right? Why? Do I have to do it manually everytime I 
> > update something, or is there a better way? How is the Zope site done?
> DTML Documents and Methods do not catalog themselves automatically
> because they are not designed to, they are small simple components that
> do not do complex things like that on their own.
> To do it yourself, create a ZClass that subclasses Document or Method
> and have the ZClass catalog itself when an instance is created or
> edited.  There are a couple of how-tos on this allready.

Ok, like the "Formatted Document" product used on the Zope site.

So basiclly: don't use DTML Document/Method, subclass them to do what you want them to do, instead of a lot of dtml-tags inside of them? That way you get different meta-type tags for different type of data, and zcatalog can handle them properly...? Am I getting it right?


/Magnus Heino