[Zope] Re: new howto: choosing sql vs ZODB.
Sat, 8 Jan 2000 19:31:00 -0800 (PST)
anthony baxter <anthon-@interlink.com.au> wrote:
> At http://www.zope.org/Members/anthony/sql_vs_ZODB/ I've started to
> put together a howto listing some of the things to think about when
> you're deciding whether to put data into the ZODB or an SQL database.
> feedback, additional data points welcome...
> Anthony
One additional point to be raised is whether you have a text field
that you want to be indexed. If you use the ZODB, you automatically
have a platform-independent way of indexing a full text database
by using ZCatalog. If you use a ZCatalog-aware object, it automatically
can index/reindex/unindex itself too.
If you choose to use an SQL RDBMS , you don't have a platform-independent
way of creating a full text search index (i.e. each RDBMS may or may not
have the capability to index a LONG VARCHARS type and each one that
can may do it in a different way).
In fact, this is one of the major reasons why I've chosen to use the ZODB in
Squishdot, along with the fact that the messages dont get updated that
often anyway (in accordance with point no. 1 on your how-to).
Butch Landingin
Squishdot maintainer
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