[Zope] nested dtml-in
Evan Simpson
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 14:16:51 -0600
cesare@planningsrl.it wrote:
> <dtml-in Master>
> <dtml-in "second(MasterCode='<dtml-sqlvar Master.Code>' type=String )">
> <dtml-sqlvar Master.Code> <dtml-sqlvar Detail.Code>
> <dtml-sqlvar Detail.Description>
> </dtml-in>
> </dtml-in>
Something like:
<dtml-in Master>
<dtml-let theMaster=sequence-item>
<dtml-in expr="Detail(MasterCode=theMaster.Code)">
<dtml-var expr="theMaster.Code"> <dtml-var Code>
<dtml-var Description>
is probably what you want. Note that <dtml-sqlvar ...> is not meant for use
on the *results* of SQL Methods, it is used to *build* their queries. You
don't need to qualify 'Code' and 'Description' in the inner loop, since they
are automatically looked up in the Detail record first.
Evan @ 4-am