[Zope] re: re: [Zope] SQL Queries

Sam Gendler sgendler@impossible.com
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 10:17:32 -0800

I haven't been reading this thread in detail, but I think I have been doing something that is exactly
what you want to do.

I have a dtml method that calls a ZSQL select query which retrieves the id and title of the entire
list.  I can then list each title as a link, which goes to a new method (we will call it method_2) with
the id of the object passed to it as well.

Basically, just doing <a href="http://some.url.here/method_2?obj_id=&dtml-obj_id;">

method_2 just calls another ZSQL query that does a select * from table where obj_id=<dtml-sqlvar obj_id
integer>, and then populates the web page with data from the query.

Of course, on the first page,  use the dtml-in batch functinos so that the list is not too long.


Holger Hoffmann wrote:

> Hi,
> > each link will call up a page, each page will run a query using the #ID# argument passed by the url
> > like
> > SELECT from dvdfilms
> > Title,ID
> > WHERE ID=#url.ID#
> i think somthing like /dvdfilm/getFilmData?id=42 is not possible
> (Security ?).
> This should work:
> I assume you have a folder dvdfilms and a table dvdfilm with
> colums id, title, description.
> In the dvdfilm folder the index_html document generate the
> series of links:
> --- index_html ----
> <!--#var standard_html_header-->
> <h2><!--#var title_or_id--></h2>
> <p>
> <dtml-in getAllFilms>
> <p><a href="getFilmData/<dtml-var id>/show"><dtml-var title></a></p>
> </dtml-in>
> </p>
> <!--#var standard_html_footer-->
> ---------------------
> You need two sql-methods (getAllFilms and getFilmData):
> --- getAllFilms ---
> select id, title
> from dvdfilm
> -------------------
> --- getFilmData ---
> Argument: id
> select *
> from dvdfilm
> <!--#sqlgroup required where-->
> <!--#sqltest id column="id" type="int"-->
> <!--#/sqlgroup-->
> --------------------
> and you need a dtml-method show:
> --- show ---
> <!--#var standard_html_header-->
> <H2><dtml-var title></H2>
> <p>title:&nbsp;<dtml-var title></p>
> <p>description:&nbsp;<dtml-var description></p>
> <!--#var standard_html_footer-->
> -------------
> All documents and methods are in the dvdfilm folder.
> In the Advanced Tab for the sql-method getFilmData you
> have to check the 'Allow direct traversal' button.
> Now, you are able to access something like:
> /dvdfilm/getFilmData/42/show
> Hope that helps ... Holger
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