[Zope] RE: Oracle or PostGreSQL connection pool
Nemeth Miklos
Tue, 18 Jan 2000 22:41:52 +0100
> Message: 24
> Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2000 09:48:24 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Oleg Broytmann
> Reply-To: phd@phd.russ.ru
> To: Zope Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Oracle or PostGreSQL connection pool
> Hi!
> Is there any way to implement the following thing?
> I have an Oracle database, and by design every user that logs into the
> site will be connected to the DB with his/her login/password (that is,
> his/her Oracle login/password is the same as for WWW).
It sounds strange. Orcale is very poor of managing connections. The
entire transaction process monitor (TPM) business earns of its revenue
from this fact. A TPM (just like ZOracleDA) uses its own
username/password to connect to a database. This is the only way to
maintain an efficient connection pooling strategy.
I am very curios of your rationale of thinking of this usage of Oracle.
> I am considering using Zope for the site, but the question is - how can
> I create one ZOracleDA connection for every user, and how can I use diferent
> connections for different users?
> Cuurently the site is in the process of development, and we are
> considering different techiniques. Zope is one of them; another possible
> solution will be CGIs + small server (on WWW side) that will handle
> long-time pool of connections from WWW to Oracle (CGIs will not be
> connected to Oracle directly, but will connect to the server, use a
> connection from the pool, etc.)
I do not understand. If you want to use a separate connection for each
user, you will not have any pool.
I think we can speak of a pool when each connection in the pool has the
same database(SID)/user/password.
I'd really interested in your goals with this architecture.
I read a lot of your mails, Oleg, and I liked them very much, you must
have some trick here :-).