[Zope] Recommendations: Learning to swim, ZopeStyle...
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 15:50:58 -0600
Hi all,
Relative newbie to Linux/web systems administration. Running 3 Mac web
servers and 2 LinuxPPC Mac Workgroup Servers for a small university. The
newest LinuxPPC server I set up myself. Been looking for a possible
solution to the updating of the university web site that would allow people
to change their content without having to teach them all HTML issues. Like
the idea of separating the presentation from the content with
authorization. Like Open Source philosophy. Found Zope (and from it found
Python). Python looks pretty cool and even understandable by mere mortals
(at least 40 year old mere mortals who have only learned "structured
programming" [on Turbo Pascal] within the last year). Last Friday I figured
out how to update my Python 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 using RPM. Also, couldn't find a
LinuxPPC RPM of Zope 2.1.2, so got some instructions on making one from the
src. Did it and installed it (I think).
My problem is that my desire to do what's "right" often (usually) runs
ahead of my ability to actually understand what I am getting into.
(tendencies.examples.mod_perl: my Apache 1.3.9 is running mod_perl 1.21 but
the complicated script I downloaded to run on it does funny things under
Apache:Registry that I can only perceive through a heavy mist. But, I
How do you experienced Python/Zope sages recommend someone like me scale
the foothill of the proverbial learning curve? Are you in favor of heaving
me into deep end of the pool with no life preserver to thrash about until I
sink or swim...or are there some nice Red Cross lessons given by leggy
bronzed blonds to guide me along a progressive path of ever-increasing
confidences? (Jeez, I musta forgot to take my afternoon Ritalin!)
I've read the excellent HowTo: by anser on "Using Apache with ZServer (not
and from what I've read, it sounds like the best of all worlds
performance-wise. I think I even understand everything he is saying to do.
(I don't think I have mod_proxy compiled in, but that's fixable). Problem
is, I haven't even fired up Zope yet and wonder if I should try it some
simpler way first, before getting into all of that. Is it necessary for me
to delve into Python before learning Zope's ropes?
Opinions/recommendations, anyone?
Please cc me when replying to the list...I'm on digest mode. Many thanks!
Darren Addy
University of Nebraska at Kearney