[Zope] PCGI Error: (102) failure during connect to ZServer
George Donnelly
Sat, 01 Jul 2000 12:47:20 +0900
hi there!
altho i used that same howto to get msyelf set up ive decide that it is not
the best way. im not sure what the problem is in this case but i would rec
running zope off zserver directly on port 8080 instead of that pcgi stuff.
thats what im doing now.
btw did you restart zope after setting up the htaccess? im guessing you did
but i made this mistake more than once.
G e o r g e D o n n e l l y
Share Your Experiences, Learn From Others' !
> This is with Zope-2.2.0b3-src.tgz
> The pcgi wrapper reports ...is unable to connect to the ZServer
> background process via Unix socket .../var/pcgi.soc
> I am trying to install this on a remote host, this error came up
> locally too, though.
> I followed glndspud's howto on 3rdparty host setup. With a 2.1.6
> release I was able to get zope running. However, with this setup I
> was not able to login through manage, the authorization did not work.
> So my reasoning, an upgrade should make this error vanish. Not so,
> until now. ;-(
> Christian