[Zope] How do I specify a list element?
Wed, 5 Jul 2000 15:46:56 -0800
I have a list (I think) created this way:
(date = '31-DEC-1999')
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('MyList', _.string.split(date, '-'))">
so now REQUEST['MyList'] should contain 3 elements:
31 DEC 1999
How, in dtml, do I say "give me the value of the 1st element of MyList" or
the second or third.
I've tried <dtml-var "REQUEST['MyList'][0]"> but I get this error:
Error Type: TypeError
Error Value: argument 1: expected read-only character buffer,
Missing found
Now I don't know which part this error is refering to, but anyhow I want
this functionality.
Thanks for your help,
Jake Feasel