[Zope] zope-web issues was: (Re: [Zope] How do you search Tiny Tables?)
ethan mindlace fremen
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 20:14:43 -0600
Graham Chiu wrote:
> There is a TinyTables+ product, but da***ed if I can find it thru the
> search mechanism on www.zope.com
Graham, I'm trying to get the search engine more informative. When I did a
search for "TinyTable", TinyTables + was the fourth item listed. I'm going to
work on adding descriptions to the search view.
> The new presentation of products also means that there is much more text
> to scroll thru.
Heh. And Phillip Eby is telling me to put whitespace between the items, which
would make it more scrolling ...
There may be a "category" option soon.
> How about an option to present a product listing ordered by name, and
> case insensitive...
We can do name, I'll look into case insensitive.
ethan mindlace fremen
Zopatista Community Liason