[Zope] Using Zope DB connection from a Python class

Monty Taylor mtaylor@goldridge.net
Fri, 23 Jun 2000 10:24:23 +0200

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I was also trying to accomplish this a while back. I managed to add the
new class with a database connection and execute sql statements. My
class had some stuff like this:

        def __init__(self,id,title,dbconn):

        def getProducts(self):
            stmt = 'select prdt_id as id, product as name from products'
            dummy, components = self.exec_sql(stmt)
            return components

        def exec_sql(self, stmt):
          "Execute a piece of SQL code -- Need to convert to some sort
of ZSQL Method"
          db = getattr(self, self.dbconn)
          col_names, raw_results = db().query(stmt)
          col_names = map(lambda x: x['name'],col_names)
          return col_names, raw_results

Now it worked... but here's my problem/question... These methods, while
executing SQL, are not ZSQL Methods, which means I'm not getting any of
the good caching and other bollocks. I was categorically unsuccessful
adding ZSQL Methods to the class. Does anyone have any tips to how I
could turn exec_sql into a ZSQL Method?


Ivan Raikov wrote:
> Greetings,
> For the past few days, I've been unsuccessfully trying to use a Zope
> ODBC connection from within a Python class.
> I have the following situation:
> 1. A Python class, Order, which has this method:
>     def create (self, cust_id, connection_id = None, itemcode = None,
>                 quantity = 0):
>         while self is not None:
>             if hasattr(self, 'objectValues'):
>                 for o in self.objectValues():
>                     if hasattr(o, 'id'):
>                         if o.id == connection_id:
>                             self.connection = o
>         self.cust_id = cust_id
>         self.itemcode = itemcode
>         self.quantity = quantity
>         query = 'insert into orders (cust_id, itemcode, quantity) values (%s, \'%s\', %s)' % (self.cust_id, self.itemcode, self.quantity)
>         if self.connection != None:
>             self.connection._begin()
>             result = self.connection.query (query)
>             print result
>             self.connection._finish()
> 2. A Zope class, TestOrder, which subclasses Order. Its constructor
>    tries to invokes 'create', however upon executing the SQL query,
>    Zope  either dies and is restarted, or just sits there, doing
>    nothing, until the HTTP connection times out. In either case, the
>    new record is not written in the database.
> 3.      Zope 2.1.7
>         Z ODBC DA 3.0.3
>         Solid dev kit 2.3
>         RedHat Linux 6.1 on i386
> Please help.
> Thanks,
> Ivan Raikov
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