[Zope] Advanced DTML Question
James W. Howe
Wed, 01 Mar 2000 17:13:17 -0500
At 04:01 PM 3/1/00 -0600, Evan Simpson wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: James W. Howe <jwh@allencreek.com>
> > of my dtml-in loop which gets the first letter from the current entry,
> > checks to see if an anchor for that letter has been written, if not, a new
> > anchor tag is inserted into the stream. My problem is I don't really know
>Quick, possibly misleading idea: if you can give your Catalog entries a
>brain class with a function "anchorGroup" which returns the first letter of
>the entry, then you can use <dtml-if sequence-first-anchorGroup><a
"Brain Class?" Could you explain that a bit? It so happens that the
objects I'm getting out of my catalog are instances of a ZClass that I
created. That ZClass inherits from a basically empty Python base
class. Is this what you mean by a "brain class"? If so, are you saying
that I should just define a method in my Python code which does the
"anchorGroup" thing?
Even if this isn't what you meant, I think I like the idea that you are
proposing. I just need to make sure that I actually understand what you
are suggesting.
James W. Howe mailto:jwh@allencreek.com
Allen Creek Software, Inc. pgpkey: http://ic.net/~jwh/pgpkey.html
Ann Arbor, MI 48103