[Zope] Advanced DTML Question
Evan Simpson
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 21:24:46 -0600
----- Original Message -----
From: James W. Howe <jwh@allencreek.com>
> "Brain Class?" Could you explain that a bit? It so happens that the
> objects I'm getting out of my catalog are instances of a ZClass that I
> created. That ZClass inherits from a basically empty Python base
> class. Is this what you mean by a "brain class"?
I think so. A "brain" in obscure Zope parlance is a class used to enhance a
raw tabular record, such as a ZSQLMethod or ZCatalog returns.
> If so, are you saying
> that I should just define a method in my Python code which does the
> "anchorGroup" thing?
Evan @ 4-am & digicool