[Zope] Zope, Lotus, Exchange, Netscape Server
Jack Ungerleider
Fri, 10 Mar 2000 16:54:13 -0600
On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Thomas Ackermann wrote:
> It looks fine, so far and i downloaded it.
> I'm not sure if i understand the Workgroup-sharing correctly - can
> different users participate at the same Address-book or Calendar?
> I mean does it support a shared calendar for several people?
> If yes, this Product is my way to go and Zope and WorldPilot will get another
> Licence ;-)
The following test was done with the WorldPilot Note facility and I suspect
would be similar in the calendar. I have three test users on the system
tester1, tester2, and tester3. I logged in as tester 1 and created 3 notes: 1
private, 1 public, and 1 confidential. I then added tester2 in the sharing page
with browse and read access. Tester3 only got browse access. Tester1 sees all
three notes, tester 2 the public and confidential, and tester3 the public. If
you have resources that need scheduling you should be able to set up userids
for the resource and let it have a calendar that is open to appropriate people
to read and/or edit. There may be a easier way to do this and maybe Ryan will
let us know if/when he sees this. :-)
> > What type of document administration are you looking to do? I have some
> > Notes/Domino experience and if that is your reference point I may be able to
> > help you find answers based on Notes style solutions.
> I'm not entirely sure here - the client wants something that would be
> covered by the Microsoft Exchange Server ... but as a LINUX guy i prefer
> to use LINUX and Zope. As i can tell, Notes/Domino may be exactly what
> is on my clients mind!
> Do you know something that could would fit this?
> Thanx a bunch so far for you fast and nice reply!
> Byebye,
I've not had a chance to work much with Exchange Server but if memory serves it
doesn't do much more than a standard IMAP server in the sense of
mailboxes and shared folders. It provides support for calendaring and address
books (with client support for LDAP, another of the things on my list of things
to learn.) So beyond that it depends on what they want to do.
Good Luck!
> --
> Thomas Ackermann | Tel. +49-(0)228/631369|73-7773 | <tgm@math.uni-bonn.de>
> finger tgm@rhein.math.uni-bonn.de for public key
> GNU LINUX Python gtk pygtk MySQL FUDGE GURPS
Jack Ungerleider
The Ungerleider Group
Creative Solutions for Cooperative Computing