[Zope] retrieving variables from an earlier form

Joe Hewitt joe@lawlearn.wuacc.edu
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 14:05:32 -0600 (CST)


I'm trying to use a link on the Report Form to call another form that
displays the single database record with each field filling in the new 
form.  If the user is the proper authenticated user, an update button will
be available, anonymous will only get a listing of the record.

Granted, I'm not doing it the right way. Perhaps my question is how do you
select a value, in this case the record number, and use that value as a
key to pass the entire record to the form for display.  My calling DTML
Method is listed below.

So the question is how can I call up my new form with my selection
appearing as data.


On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Michel Pelletier wrote:

> It looks like you are trying to use an anchor tag to submit a form. 
> This will not work as it is not proper HTML.  You need to use an <input
> type=submit...> or some other valid way of submiting the form.  
> -Michel