[Zope] manage_changeProperties
Rik Hoekstra
Thu, 11 May 2000 21:53:25 +0200
-----Original Message-----
From: josh on <josh@zesty.com>
To: zope@zope.org <zope@zope.org>
Date: donderdag 11 mei 2000 20:42
Subject: [Zope] manage_changeProperties
>sorry for spamming the list with loser questions but this one has had me
>stumped for hours and I am not even sure what to look for anymore:
><dtml-call "z958063364.manage_changeProperties({'children' : 90})">
>this line is in a dtml method in a folder with a lot of instances of a
>one instance is: z958063364
>the class has a property sheet with a property called children
>I want to change its value.
>Eventually I want to have it dynamically fill in the gaps so that it will
>calll any particular instance with something like this:
><dtml-call "_['parent_id'].manage_changeProperties({'children' :
have you tried (untested, I don't quite understand what you try to do)
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('gchildren', gchildren+12)">
<dtml-call "_.getitem(parent_id).manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)">
also see