[Zope] how to pass value or array of values to DTML variable

Rik Hoekstra rik.hoekstra@inghist.nl
Fri, 12 May 2000 14:07:16 +0200

>Hi every body
>could any one tell me how to pass value or array of values to DTML
>for e.g
>in the search engin form
>if some one pass "california  gre" in the text field  have a name "TEXT"
>of the search
>and the result page where we are gone to display the results using
>database .
>before passing the query to database i would like to split the text
>which is been passed by the user and put it in to difffrent
><dtml-var state> = <dtml-var _.string.split(TEXT,'  ');

>But the above statement doesnot works .


try (untested)

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('state', _.string.split(TEXT, '  ')">

this will put a variable state in your namespace with a list containing the
split values from TEXT. You can then do what you want (but from your
description I didn't quite get what that was, sorry)
