[Zope] Zope Advocacy FAQ redux

srl slandrum@turing.csc.smith.edu
Tue, 23 May 2000 17:48:11 -0400 (EDT)

So, after poking around on Zope.org for awhile, I haven't found an
Advocacy FAQ. Have I missed something? I hope not, because I started

This is a very rough draft, hacked together from memory. As such,
it's quite likely inaccurate on some particulars, and most certainly
incomplete. I'll be working on it more over the next few days. If
you've got comments or additions, please email me and I'll credit

To make the Advocay FAQ more complete, I'd love to hear: if you're
using Zope in a situation where you had to get management buy-in,
what convinced them? What objections did they have, and how did you
counter those objections? 


PS. this is my first try at any sort of public document for an
open-source project. I'd love to hear criticism in email or onlist.

Shane Renee Landrum 