[Zope] [OT] Re: [Zope] python nigglettes
Bill Anderson
Tue, 23 May 2000 19:18:09 -0600
> Tom Smith wrote:
> hi all, I'm currently experimenting with zope and noodling with
> python....can anyone give me an answer on these?
> Python is beautiful (nearly as beautiful as Prograph (but that's
> another story)).
> I'm a BIG fan of human readable code, I loved HyperCard and
> pathelogically refused to get my head past Perl. But there a few
> irritants that I really need to know why they're there.
0. People sending HTML to emailing lists.
> 1. ":" This smacks of geek...surely the interpreter could figure
> out if this wasn't there...couldn't it? Surely there's a workaround
> for someone like me. Isn't there? What if I "promised" never to
> write one-line functions, could I do without it then?
See the recent discussion on c.l.py. Basically, there are several
situations where it makes clarity, not only for reader/pprogramer but
for the interpreter.
> 2."elif" Boy this is awkward, I though "elseif" was bad but
> "elif" !! Can I use/implement alternatives "elseif" would be a start
> "else if" would be better...more natural.
Personally, I write fery few elifs, mainly a serioes of ifs with
continues will do niceley.