[Zope] Re: [ZDP] Re: [Zope] The agony of the ZOPE Documentation
Chris Withers
Thu, 25 May 2000 11:37:10 +0100
John Chandler wrote:
> > ouch!Interesting.. .And if you write a book, how much will a publisher pay
> > you [for example ORA 'Zope in a Nutshell'].
> > ..and how many copies do you think ZIAN [Zope in a Nutshell] will sell ?
> Well, I for one would be at the front of the queue to buy a copy. In fact,
> if nothing comes to light by the end of the year I wonder if NIP would
> finance a sabbatical for me to write one? ;-)
I think Mike Pelletier has a contract to do this already... I guess he
just needs to find the time :S (of course, any book would be out of date
by the time it's published, o I'm not sure of the usefulness...)