[Zope] ZClasses on top of my Python classes?

Steve Spicklemire steve@spvi.com
Thu, 16 Nov 2000 09:34:39 -0500 (EST)

Hi Randy,

>>>>> "R" == Randall Kern <randy@teamkern.net> writes:

    R> I've seen several doc tidbits suggesting one create ZClasses
    R> derived from their Python classes, sticking all the biz logic
    R> in the python classes, and the presentation in the
    R> ZClasses...

    R> Could someone provide some insight into why this is better than
    R> simply writing separate python classes for logic and
    R> presentation?  (Although I have to admit hitting the "Restart
    R> Server" button every time I make a typo is getting old)

I think it's mostly a question of 'ease of customization'. ZClasses
can be created and manipulated throught the web very easily. A developer
does not require filesystem access to manipulate/develop with ZClasses.

Of course you could (and many do) put everything in Python... this
makes installation of a product easier... 

Finally.. I use the above approach in EMarket for a couple other reasons
as well. EMarket keeps 'default' methods/documents on the filesystem. 
The idea is that someone will install EMarket and then go on to customize
it to meet their needs. Each of the basic components in EMarket
(Shopper, MarketItem, Transaction etc... ) is a ZClass that the
user can customize as they need. 

Re: restarts... have you seen the Refresh product? It's great. ;-)


    R> Thanks!  -Randy