[Zope] is it possible to see whether any user is using a perticular zope object

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Wed, 22 Nov 2000 10:48:00 +0000

subrahmanyan kalathur wrote:
> Error Type: SyntaxError
> Error Value: unexpected token sequence.near :: "\012Q_name = 'q24'"*''
> ******************************* current state = 231 expects: 'EXCEPT', '+',
> ')', 'HAVING', '-', 'UNION', 'AND', 'GROUP', '*', ';', 'OR', 'ORDER',
> 'INTERSECT', ('nomatch1',) current token = ((-6, 'WHERE'), 'WHERE')

It sounds more likely that your SQL has problems. Perhaps you could post
your ZSQL method to the list? (but only if it's shorter than 20 lines
long! ;-)

What dabatase are you using? What database adapter? What versions?

