[Zope] MySQL Database Connector

kentj kentj@tadboise.com
Mon, 02 Apr 2001 15:44:15 -0600

Reading the Zope book about relational databases, (I need to do the same
thing you are doing)
I see that I must install MySQL DA.

The Chapter about relational data bases has examples of some connection
strings for PostGres.

Here is a URlL for ZmyslqDa


Here is a somewhat dated howto install the Mysql DA on SUSE 6.5 Linux

I have SUSE 7.1 with the mysql and zope that came with the package.

Hope this helps.

Jens Benecke wrote:

> Hi,
> I've played a bit with Zope, read a load of HOWTOs and intros etc. and
> like
> it so far, but I haven't found a documentation source where to look up
> the
> "simple" things, like how to connect to a MySQL database. e.g. the
> connector wants a "connection string" - what is that (authentication?)
> how
> is it formatted etc?
> Is there a tutorial how to set up a simple (external) database-driven
> webpage (something like a guestbook or table editor)? That might help me
> get going.
> Thanks!
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