misconfigured third party software was: Re: [Zope] (no subject)

Tino Wildenhain tino@wildenhain.de
Mon, 09 Apr 2001 21:59:42 +0200

Hi Mike,

obviously the error message says:

"users.dbf does not exist"

so please check if your files on sayd Server do exist
and have the right permission. Try without zope also.


--On Montag, 9. April 2001 15:25 -0400 Mike McConnell 
<Mike_McConnell@fd.org> wrote:

> I am a real Zope newbie so bear with me.
> I am attempting to re-setup an ODBC connection in Zope (that used to work
> until a fatal hard drive failure) to access a Visual FoxPro database and
> get the following error:
> sql.error: ('S0002', 173, &quot;[Microsoft] [ODBC Visual Foxpro
> Driver]File 'users.dbf' does not exist.&quot;)
> There are multiple tables and it cannot find any of them. The database
> connection within Zope shows it is open successfully.
> Particulars:
> NT WS 4.0 SP3
> Zope 2.2.4
> Visual Foxpro database is on a Novell 4.11 server
> As I stated above, this used to work until the hard drive blew and I had
> to reload NT and Zope and reloaded the data.fs file from the backup.  It
> turns out only the data.fs file was being backed up nightly.  The
> database connection says it is open, but we can't process any queries.
> Thanks for any assistance.
> Mike McConnell
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