[Zope] problem saving file twice with ange-ftp

John Hunter jdhunter@ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
10 Apr 2001 21:03:18 -0500

>>>>> "Dieter" == Dieter Maurer <dieter@handshake.de> writes:

    Dieter> When a ZWiki page is exported (for modification), its
    Dieter> last modification time is put in its content.  When it
    Dieter> comes back, this content timestamp is compared against the
    Dieter> last modification time. If there is a mismatch, the error
    Dieter> occurs.

    Dieter> I think, if you do not like this feature, you can discard
    Dieter> the timestamp from your content.

Ok, that did it.  Thanks a bunch.  The first line in the file is 
of the form:

Wiki-Safetybelt: 986954482.301

When I kill that I can do multiple saves.

There is one other feature of using ange-ftp that I have found
dissatisfying.  If I access a WikiName for the first time that has no
content from ange-ftp (one of the links identified with a '?'), after
I edit it, commit the changes and then view it in the browser, the
page is displayed as plain text.  I.e, *John* is displayed with the
asterisks, not as emphasized text.  So I usually have to go to my
browser, access the empty wiki link, accept the default text and
commit it.  Then I can go in and edit it with emacs over ange-ftp.
Not a big hassle but I'd rather avoid it.  

If I then go into the Zope GUI manager interface and look at the type
of document that was created, it is a DTML Document rather than a
ZWiki Page.  Any suggestions here?

John Hunter