[Zope] creditshard

Tony Rutherford tony@digicool.com
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 00:01:56 -0400


    Your timing is pretty ironic.  We just found out about that problem a
couple hours ago, and put in a patch on their system which avoids the
TypeError you refer to below.  So you caught this problem in a fairly small
time window.  Is your timing as good with the stock market?  So people can
still do the search if they want, but it will no longer be a determining
factor as to whether or not the site is using Zope :>)

    The main point of your message is well taken though.   I'm really not at
liberty to discuss the 1010wins or cbsnewyork project in any detail...but to
kinda reinforce your point, you'll be happy to know that the following
stations are also running Zope.

www.krockradio.com (...yes of Howard Stearn fame)

Digital Creations    http://www.digicool.com   http://www.zope.org

> Looking throught the list at  http://www.zopezen.org/links I was surprisd
> see the radio station 1010Wins listed:
> But 1010wins.com is very fast and good at what it does.
> Also a good commercial showcase for Zope in fact. Or would be..
> Now www.zope.org is famous for not showing off its own products
> http://www.zope.org/Resources/CaseStudies = new form of anti-adverstising
> but this is ridiculous. 1010wins is not even listed on zope.org.
> And neither 1010Wins nor CBSNewYork carry even the tiniest Zope logo. In
> fact if you search for 'zope' on either you'll get this:
> <quote>
> Zope Error
> Zope has encountered an error while publishing this resource.
> Error Type: TypeError
> Error Value: expected integer key
> </quote>
> oops!! ...go on try it if you want a good laugh :-)))
> http://1010wins.com/search_results_html?bodyInput=zope
> http://cbsnewyork.com/search_results_html?bodyInput=zope
> At __least__ that should return a simple page which says:
> This site is made with Zope..blahblah
> Perhaps one could just build that in to ZCatalog as default
> Ok, so everyone was way too busy keeping the client happy to worrry about
> such trivia. And it is often easy enough to prove it is a zope site [==>
> /manage]
> But is it trivial for Zope to miss this?
> Surely a minimum reasonable requirement / idea is that real zope sites,
> especially those used in the commercial or media worlds should carry some
> kind of logo/Zope_id/promo somewhere, even if not loudly on the home page
> where screen_estate is at premium?
> On could try to argue that as in many work for hire situations, the client
> has no implicit obligation to credit individuals, expecially if the
> says so. But even the movies go to some effort to blip your name up there
> for couple of seconds at the end.
> What does Zope stand to gain or lose by not by encouraging some modest
> mimimum credit inclusive license?
> How does it affect does DC and this community  likewise?
> Is it tacky/helpful/irrelevant/essential to promote Zope in this fashion?
> Isn't America already dead from logo-fatigue syndrome?
> I am not trying to beat up on anyone, and I am truly delighted that DC's
> priorities are work hard to succeed as a company while feeding a great
> source project. Elegant potent engineering arriving soon with good
> stability, features amd documentation. Yes these do come before hype and
> promo. But it seems a shame that ther is not a little higher profile
> material to help everyone get gigs and win arguments for why trust Zope.
> What do you think?
> - Jason
> ___________________________________________________________
> Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']
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