[Zope] creditshard

Jason Cunliffe jasonic@nomadicsltd.com
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 01:08:04 -0400

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Rutherford" <tony@digicool.com>
>     Your timing is pretty ironic.  We just found out about that problem a
> couple hours ago, and put in a patch on their system which avoids the
> TypeError you refer to below.  So you caught this problem in a fairly
> time window.  Is your timing as good with the stock market?  So people can
> still do the search if they want, but it will no longer be a determining
> factor as to whether or not the site is using Zope :>)

Yes Happens to me a lot in life. Never tried the stock market though.

>     The main point of your message is well taken though.   I'm really not
> liberty to discuss the 1010wins or cbsnewyork project in any detail...but
> kinda reinforce your point, you'll be happy to know that the following
> stations are also running Zope.
> www.krockradio.com (...yes of Howard Stearn fame)
> www.wcbs880.com
> www.wcbsfm.com
> www.wfan.com

I see the [z]pattern +The plot thickens..Seriously this _is_ good news.

But why keep so quiet about, or did I miss something? Nice to know DC is
really following up on its pronounced Digital Publishing strategem. Shame
actually that this item did not enter the recent, rabid, e-commerce
openEarsDigitaPostGreSQL listwars. Online radio sites makes alot more sense
to me than 95% of edotcom ideas.

I hope that soon someone will write up these projects in a decent and
deserving way that will help everyone working with zope, or cnosiderin doing
so, to gain some validated insight into topics which imo don't get discussed
Planning, design development workflow etc..

How the clients are getting along with the tools developed?
Are they paying other people to do the mainatenance?
Are they doing it themsleves.. If so how adn what?
What  knid of features do they have to automate content management etc..
What was it like convincing them to go with Zope?
.. easy runoff from the initial cbs 1010 ??
Not looking fot marketspeak | hype - just some hansds-on insights about
daily use.

What is the configuration: ZEO Apache Database ... size of Data.fs Hits..?

Or is Zope [best kept] secret weapon after all - like when some Production
Houses were using hidden Amiga Video Toasters for work but neglected to tell
their clients [..ahem] how incredibly cheap/productive that platform could

best wishes and keep 'em coming !
- Jason

Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']