[Zope] large images to a database via zope.
Peter Sabaini
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 15:47:57 +0200 (CEST)
On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 ghaley@mail.venaca.com wrote:
> one of the other concerns about storing on a file system was that we would
> get so many files that the inode tables would get blown up. a single db
> table is 3 files (under mysql, anyway), and the thinking was that this
> would shield the inode table from too much use.
> perhaps there is some other experience with this sort of thing, a site
> with, let's say, a million files. has anyone noticed problems storing
> that much data? i'm certain it's been done, but i don't know about the
> strategies involved.
I used to sysadmin a site which used Hyperwave -- a sort of Document /
Content Management System. This Product used to store all of its data
(around ~5Gb) in a single directory, one file per object. This site
had to manage around >500.000 objects, so there were >500.000 objects
in single directory - and this actually worked. A little impractical
(doing a 'ls' could take some time, or trying to transfer all the
data), but no major problems. The site first ran on a (quite old)
solaris workstation and afterwards on a linux (plain ext2) machine.
peter sabaini, mailto: sabaini@niil.at