[Zope] error messages.

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 21:48:00 +0200 (CEST)

ghaley@mail.venaca.com writes:
 > i am trying to track down the source of something that's going wrong.  
 > problem is the log-in simply returns the start screen, but looking at the
 > Z2.log tail, i see a set of 404 errors, with, what i hope is an error
 > number.  problem is, i don't know where to find out what the error number
 > means.  
 > in my log i see something similar to
 > 	404 2106
 > 	404 2109
The HTTP 1.1 (an RFC) specification explains the first numbers
(there are HTTP response codes). The second number is
the length of the response.

In you example, you got 2 404 responses ("Not found") with
a response size of 2106 and 2109 bytes.

More information in the "Web publishing section" of


There, you will also find the RFC number of HTTP 1.1.
