[Zope] manage_changeProperties not failing when using incorrect propertysheet

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Sun, 2 Dec 2001 20:45:51 +0100

Milos Prudek writes:
 > manage_changeProperties, when called on a sheet that does not contain
 > properties specified in manage_changeProperties argument, does not throw
 > an error. It seems to execute succesfully, but the properties do not get
 > updated. At least for Zope 2.4.3.
Requests often contain information other than new property values
(e.g. the SUBMIT button information or variables for other aspects
of the request).
It would be quite tedious when the REQUEST would need to be cleared
before it could be passed on to "manage_changeProperties".

Of course, the makes it possible, that spelling errors are not catched...
But these spelling errors are a static problem. It can be detected
during testing time...
