[Zope] Zope 2.4.3 crashing continually
Jin Choi
Wed, 12 Dec 2001 04:01:03 -0500
I'm having continual crashing problems with Zope 2.4.3 running on
Solaris. I first noticed it when loading the management interface would
sometimes give error pages in one or more of the frames. Checking the
Control Panel, the uptime would be under a minute; the server had
crashed and the zdaemon had restarted it. Has anyone else seen this sort
of problem? I turned on the error log, and it shows that the server is
going down fairly often, sometimes several times per hour, with an
Aiieee and an error code of 256. I was reading somewhere that that
indicates that some Product had exited. The only non-distribution
product I have installed is the latest DCOracle2; might that be causing