[Zope] opinion: Komodo as an IDE for Zope work.

Gilles Lenfant glenfant@bigfoot.com
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 18:08:22 +0100

Look for boa-constructor in www.sourceforge.net.
It has a great interface for editing most Zope objects.
It may work for you. Unfortunately not for me because the editor is buggy
for French keyboards and I have no direct access to characters like [ { (
and others that are required in any python source.
The editor (based on Scintilla) hilites both DTML and HTML and of course
pure Python scripts.
Boa-constructor requires wxPython (www.wxpython.org).
Of course, we're all expecting a real Mozilla integration for Zope with the
XUL technology to have both access through the web, a real IDE like GUI, a
decent text editor, and a compatibility with (future) old ZMI HTML



----- Original Message -----
From: "Warren Postma" <warren-postma@rogers.com>
To: "ZOPE" <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 6:00 AM
Subject: [Zope] opinion: Komodo as an IDE for Zope work.

> I tried using Komodo as and IDE for ZOPE today, and it has a remote-files
> option (ftp, port 8021), and I can get my Zope Script Methods, but since
> they appear as "MyMethod" in ftp, not "MyMethod.py", they don't get syntax
> highlighted or anything else, so Komodo basically is a "notepad.exe with
> capabilities" when used with Zope. Is that all there is?
> Can anyone tell me of a decent syntax highlighted Python editor with
> Zope support?
> Warren
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